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Name: Radul Mukhtar Ala Durul Mukhtar 1
Name: ردالمختار علیٓ درالمختار
Author: Muhammad Ameen Al-Shaheer Baban Abdeen محمد امین الشہیر بابن عابدین
Language: Arabic
Publisher: Maktaba Habibia
Publish Date: 20-Feb-2017
Description: Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Dur al-Mukhtar (Arabic: ?? ??????? ??? ???? ?????????) is a book on Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) by 18th century Islamic scholar, Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Amin ibn Abidin ash-Shami. It means "The Answer to the Baffled" over "The Exquisite Pearl".

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